About Us
Marple has been home to a thriving scouting community since 1908, and we're always looking to welcome new members.

Our Groups

We have 2 Beaver colonies – Etherow (Monday) and Lyme (Weds) - typically meeting from 6 to 7 at the Scout Hut.

We have 3 Cub packs - Bradshaw (Monday), Carver (Weds), and Derby (Thursday) – typically meeting from 6.30 to 8 at the Scout Hut.

We have 2 Scout troops – Kinder (Tues) and Cobden (Thurs) – typically meeting 7.30 – 9 at the Scout Hut

We have 2 Explorer groups – Explorers (Mon) and Coombs (Weds) – typically meeting from 8 – 10 at the Scout Hut.

We have a Network group, though meetings tends to be seasonal, with many heading off to University but returning when they are home in the holidays.

We have a great team of leaders and helpers, but we're always looking for more volunteers - not just for section leaders but also for admin and support roles.
Join Us
We'd love to welcome you into 1st Marple Scouts!
We're a popular group, which means that we run at full capacity all year round, so the first place to start is to add your name to the waiting list...
Our Fundraisers

Gang Show
A joint production with GirlGuiding Marple, we showcase the best musical and theatrical talent that Scouting & Guiding has to offer, over a run of 11 fantastic variety shows.

Bedding Plants
We've been home-delivering first-class bedding plants to Marple residents for over 25 years, though times have changed a little recently, and now you can order online!

Brabyns Bonfire & Fireworks
Along with the Guides, we co-ordinate and manage the brilliant bonfire and fireworks, which have been a fixture in the local community for over 50 years.
If you have any questions about anything to do with Scouting in Marple, get in touch!