Cobden at Cumberland

T’was the night of the 21st November when Cobden descended upon the cottage. After a very wet approach to the cottage, we all arrived safe and unharmed. Due to the rain, we were bolted down in the cottage. With the fire lit and roaring, a hearty supper was served. Then after supper it was bed time for the scouts.

Saturday morning was an early one! After a traditional breakfast, wooding commenced, and tree’s were felled. The scouts took prime opportunity to make use of the 2 man saw with correct supervision, it proved to be a large source of entertainment for the scouts and the leaders.

After lunch, we went for a walk upto the

More wooding and axing followed lunch, and indoors at a mere 4pm as it was going dark. Here the scouts told jokes and the leaders reminisced about their experiences as Cobden scouts. Tea was served, Chilli con carne, yum. One final wide game was undertook (Man hunt, a cobden favourite), but the game was cut short as scouts withdrew due to the cold. A round of hot chocolates and a game of “Pie face went to market and bought…” ensued, which took over the remained of the night. Shortly after the scouts were off to bed.

Late to rise, Hibbo was due to leave at 9am but overslept until 10:10am and was in panic as he had a flight to catch. Bye bye Hibbo! One more days wooding after yesterdays wood pile was no longer there (it was cold, trust me). Lunch followed, and we were told to pack up. Cottage swept, cleaned and emptied, parents were there to pick us up at 2:00 (thank you!)

Well done to all who were there, we hope you had fun!

Wardy (052)

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